Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Cannot be denied, the coconut tree was the tree that very many benefits, the whole part of the coconut can be used for everyday life-har. Ranging from food, beverages, medicines and obata, or even serve as material for handicrafts.

One of the benefits of the coconut tree is part of his Roots.
Akar Pohon Kelapa
What are the benefits of coconut Roots?

The root is commonly used as a coconut;

1. Drinks and herbal medicines
Coconut tree roots can be used as dyes, basic materials of manufacture of the basic ingredients of a toothbrush, a tool of dessert. In addition the root can also be treating dysentery, diarrhea or other digestive problems

2. Building materials
With a strong root structure of coconut is sometimes also used as a prop building

3. An antidote to the flood
Coconut root able to absorb large amounts of water. This was the basis that coconut trees planted many dipemukiman residents

4. A variety of crafts
Bracelets, necklaces and others can be made from coconut roots.

Hopefully this article helpful:)